24. január 2019 Resistence – Odpor
1. Resistance
I have been battling resistance my whole life. What is resistance? It’s that sluggish feeling of not wanting to do something that you know is good for you, it’s the inclination to do something that you unabashedly know is not good for you, and it’s everything in between. It’s the desire and tendency to delay something you should be doing right now. It helps to call it by its name.
The hardest war to win is one you don’t even realize you are fighting, and the hardest enemy to defeat is the one you don’t know exists. Every day you are at war with resistance. You have to slay it like a dragon, and you have to slay it anew each day. It wears a thousand masks, many of which are so effective we don’t even recognize resistance is behind them. Laziness, procrastination, fear, doubt, instant gratification, self-loathing, indecision, escapism, pride, self-deception, friction, tension, and self-sabotage are just some of the ways resistance manifests its ugly self in our lives and causes us to settle for so much less than God has imagined for us.
You have to break through resistance in order to accomplish even the smallest tasks. I catch myself in a battle with resistance several times a day. Looking back on today, where did you encounter resistance?
We all battle resistance daily: The first goal of this book is simply to give resistance a name.
Simply naming, defining, and learning to recognize resistance in the moments of our days causes it to lose most of its power over us. It is no longer a mystery because we have named it. The first lesson is that you never defeat resistance once and for all. It is a daily battle.
KEY POINT Resistance stands between you and happiness.
ACTION STEP Write down every time you encounter resistance for a week.
Tu si môžete pozrieť krátke video, v ktorom Matthew Kelly a Brennam Hehman hovoria o dnešnej téme.
Otázky na zamyslenie (zdielanie)
1. Máte niekedy nechuť spraviť niečo, čo je potrebné, ale odkladáte to?
2. Máte problémy rozhodnúť sa?
3. Obávate sa niekedy povedať, čo si naozaj myslíte?
4. Ako sa „odpor“ prejavuje v tvojom živote? Napr. lenivosť, odkladanie riešenia, strach, pochybnosti,
nerozhodnosť, pýcha, napätie, …
5. Keď sa pozrieš na dnešný deň, kedy sa u teba previl „odpor“?
Domáca úloha
V priebehu nasledujúceho týždňa, skús si všimnúť, kedy sa prejavil „odpor“ a kto zvíťazil, „odpor“ alebo ty.