28. február 2019 Something is missing – Niečo chýba
Domáca úloha z minulého týdňa
Buď jemný a pozorný k ľudom, ktorí ti skrížia cestu.
Ak je niekto mrzutý alebo drzý,
ak spraví chybu alebo niečo zlé, neprenáhli sa so svojím uzáverom.
Nievieš čo nosí na svojich ramenách.
6 Something is missing
Do you ever have the sense that something is missing in your life?
We really should pay a little more attention to our dissatisfaction.
We have all watched a friend who needs to make a decision but refuses to confront the situation. He pretends that all is well, but everyone around him can see he is becoming more and more restless.
It’s okay to be dissatisfied. Being dissatisfied and pretending that we are not is the kind of lie that leads to spiritual and physical illness. Our dissatisfaction is trying to lead us to something better, or something different altogether.
It is time to start listening to what God is saying to us through our dissatisfaction.
I want to encourage you to pay a little more attention to that sense that something is missing in your life. This quiet discontent is creating restlessness in you for a reason.
Restlessness drives my creativity and gives birth to ideas. But each day the restlessness needs to be tamed so that I can actually do something.
My heart was restless. I knew something was missing, but I didn’t know what to do about it.
If you sense that something is missing in your life, stop ignoring it. Start paying attention to it. God is trying to tell you something.
KEY POINT It’s time to start listening to what God is saying to us through our dissatisfaction.
ACTION STEP Don’t pretend to be happy and satisfied when you are not.
Tu si môžete pozrieť krátke video, v ktorom Matthew Kelly a Fr. Bob Sherry hovoria o dnešnej téme.
Otázky na zamyslenie (zdielanie)
1.Máš pocit, že niečo chýba v Tvojom živote? Ak áno, vieš to opísať?
2.Cítiš, že by si mala byť niekde inde, v inej krajine, v inej práci, robiť úplne niečo iné?
3.Chcel si, niekedy behom života, byť úspešným podnikateľom? Politikom?
4.Každý z nás máva počas spánku sny. Máš nejaký sen, ktorý sa ti s času na čas vracia?
5.Viete po čom túžia vaši najbližší?
Domáca úloha
Nepretvaruj sa, že si šťastný a uspokojený, ak nie si.