31. január 2019 Your Quest for happiness – Tvoje hľadania šťastia
Domáca úloha z minulého týdňa
Všimol si si kedy sa v priebehu minulého týždňa prejavil u teba „odpor“ a kto zvíťazil, „odpor“ alebo ty?
2. Your Quest for Happiness
We resist happiness. We tend to see these patterns in other people’s lives with much more clarity than we see them in our own.
These are the patterns that we see in people’s lives, patterns that make us wonder why.
People do stupid things because they mistakenly believe those stupid things will make them happy. This is the paradox that surrounds our quest for happiness: We know the things that will make us happy, but we don’t always do them.
We know how to unleash happiness in our lives, but we don’t. Why? Resistance. We are all on a quest for happiness, but resistance gets the better of us. I know the people, things, behaviors, and experiences that make me happy.
Sitting down for a few minutes of prayer and reflection at the beginning of the day makes me happy. Tempted to put it off until later or skip it altogether. Why? the temptation to believe that going somewhere or doing something is urgent.
What makes you happy? Do you know? Before we jump into that question, a better place to start might be with this question: Are you happy?
What’s your happiness score in last three months? Let’s increase your happiness score.
It’s time to stop resisting happiness. It’s time to stop destroying our own happiness.
Do you worry about things you have no control over? Worry destroys happiness.
Do you compare yourself with others in an unhealthy way? Comparison is a destroyer of happiness.
Do you cling to bad relationships? Bad relationships destroy our happiness.
Do you have a lot of self-doubt, or even self-loathing? They are destroyers of happiness.
Do you buy things you can’t afford and don’t need? Debt is a destroyer of happiness and a creator of stress.
Gossip, laziness, fear, excuses, negative thinking, ingratitude, and jealousy are all destroyers of happiness.
KEY POINT Find out what really makes you happy.
ACTION STEP Identify three activities that increase your happiness. Write them down.
Tu si môžete pozrieť krátke video, v ktorom Matthew Kelly a Amanda Recktenwald hovoria o dnešnej téme.
Otázky na zamyslenie (zdielanie)
1. Čo spôsobuje, že sa cítite šťastní?
2. Aké je „skóre“ šťastia za uplynulé 3 mesiace? (na stupnici 1-10)
3. Obávate sa o veci, nad ktorými nemáte kontrolu?
4. Porovnávate sa s inými?
5. Kupujete si veci, ktoré si nemôžete „dovoliť“?
Domáca úloha
V priebehu nasledujúceho týždňa, porozmýšľaj nad 3 aktivitami, ktoré ti prinášajú pocit šťastia. Napíš si ich.