4. april 2019 Ordinary things – Obyčajné veci
Domáca úloha z minulého týdňa
Vyberte si jedno realistické želanie zo strany 50/51 a snažte sa ho „žiť“ v priebehu nasledujúceho týžňa.
11: Ordinary Things
Amidst the madness of the final days of the renovations at Saints Peter and Paul and the beginning of Lent, I didn’t have time for a “typical” day off. This meant that my 3 loads of laundry were all still sitting in the basement waiting to be taken to my room. Being too tired…ok, too lazy to retrieve my laundry basket on the second floor, I thought that I would fold it all nice and neat, stack it, and carry it up to my room. However, on the way up, I tripped on a step, my stack of socks exploded from under my chin, and 2 pair started to roll off the front. In an attempt to catch them, I swung my arm around which caused an imbalance in my t-shirt tower and they started to fall the other direction. After a raining down of t-shirts and socks all around and then landing hard on my backside, I realized that the only things I caught were the 2 pair of socks that started the fiasco in the first place. Tears came to my eyes, not from pain or anger, but because I was laughing so hard my stomach seemed to burst. I thought to myself, “Some angel just won ‘Heavens Funniest Videos’.”
How many times throughout the day do we allow little, insignificant events pull us away from God rather than use them as a chance to draw closer? …to see God in the ordinary? In my past, I probably would have been angry, cursing and screaming as I stomped up the stairs; gathering my wardrobe as I went. Instead, I just laughed at myself and said sarcastically, “Ok (God), I get it!” Who would have ever guessed that raining laundry would be a “God moment,” a time of close connection with God? It was God’s little humility checkup, for no matter how hard I work or try on my own, it is always God’s loving grace that inspires me, propels me, strengthens me, and guides me. I guess that’s the wonderful thing about God, he is always there, especially in the ordinary. We just need to have the patience and courage to look for Him. Perhaps today, he will make it rain laundry for you!
Tu si môžete pozrieť krátke video, v ktorom Matthew Kelly a Jessica Albers hovoria o dnešnej téme.
Otázky na zamyslenie (zdielanie)
- Robíte si plány? Na deň? Na týždeň? Na mesiac?
- Máte naplánovanú tohoročnú dovodenku?
- Ako prijímaš okolnosti, ktoré narušujú alebo znemožnia tvoje plány?
- Zaoberáš sa svojou minulosťou? Čo bolo treba spraviť a nespravila si? Čo bolo treba povedať a nepovedal si? Čo nebolo dobré spraviť a spravila si? Čo nebolo dobré povedať a povedal si?
- Čo by ste chceli mať napísané na vašom náhrobnom kameni?
Domáca úloha
Uč sa hľadať Boha v každodenných veciach. Napíš si večer 3 situácie z uplynulého dňa, kedy si si uvedomila/uvedomil Božiu prítomnosť