14. február 2019 Resisting God – Odmietanie Boha
Domáca úloha z minulého týdňa
Postavil si pri niektorom rozhodovaní počas minulého týždňa Boha do stredu? Vybral si si nie to, čo sa ti javilo najvýhodnejšie pre teba, ale to, čo si si naozaj úprimne myslel, že Boh chce, aby si spravil?
4. Resisting God
When we resist happiness, we are really resisting God. God is happiness.
Definition of resist is “to withstand, strive against, or oppose.”
Reflect on the insanity of trying to resist God.
God wants us to be happy even more than we want to be happy ourselves. Have you ever wanted something good for someone more than he wanted it for himself? We cannot always help them to see those possibilities for themselves.
“You are going to be tempted to judge yourself as a coach by how well your participants perform. Your participants’ successes and failures are their own. You cannot take credit for their successes, and you cannot take the blame for their failures. Coach them well by faithfully following the coaching program.
You will find yourself in a place where you want it for them more than they want it for themselves.
You will do something for them that they should be doing for themselves. You will think you are helping them, but it is a lie and you know it. Your job is to empower those you coach; when you do for them what they should be doing for themselves, you create entitlement and dependency rather than empowerment.
God wants you to be happy even more than you want it yourself. Imagine how frustrated God is with us, seeing all that is possible and knowing how we squander so much. But he will not cross the line. He will not step over your free will. God wants to empower you for mission. He has put you in this world for a specific mission, but first he has to prepare you. God wants heaven for you even more than you want it for yourself. When we resist happiness, we resist God and the-very-best-version-of-ourselves. We resist our very truest selves.
Place a barrier between ourselves and God, a barrier between ourselves and the incredible people God created us to be, a barrier between ourselves and the wonderful life God dreamed for us before we were in our mothers’ wombs. It’s time to stop resisting happiness. It’s time to slay resistance.
KEY POINT When we resist God we resist happiness.
ACTION STEP Learn to recognize when you want something for others more than they want it for themselves.
Tu si môžete pozrieť krátke video, v ktorom Matthew Kelly a Dominick Albano hovoria o dnešnej téme.
Otázky na zamyslenie (zdielanie)
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