28. marec 2019 – Ži! – Get busy living
Domáca úloha z minulého týdňa
Skús si každé ráno upriamiť svoju myseľ na jednu, dve alebo tri veci, na ktoré sa v ten deň tešíš.
Skús si každý večer pred spánkom spomenúť na jednu, dve alebo tri veci z uplynulého dňa, za ktoré môžeš Bohu poďakovať.
10: Get Busy Living
What does it mean to truly live? Often times the answer to this question is elusive. One philosophical approach to understanding life is to contemplate the opposite…death. The first time I read this book, I actually sat down and asked the question, “If I only have six months to live what would I do?” Needless to say, this was a difficult task, but I finally scribbled out the top 10 that came to mind. As I review what I had written, I have found a formula for what truly matters in my life; a path by which to get busy living.
What is most important? What is at the heart of my top 10? Relationship! Maybe it is who I am, but I think that it is part of the human nature to be in relationship. As I look at the 10, I realize that they meet the 3-dimensional aspect of balanced relationship between God, others, and self.
The relational aspect with God is easy to see; prayer, scripture, Adoration, Confession, and the Eucharist. The relationship with others is also easy to see; service, home visits, and hugs (which I do believe are nature’s greatest medicine for whatever ails you). However, what I have noticed the most is the balanced approach to the relationship with myself that has emerged. Singing, writing, reflecting, hiking in nature, interacting, and receiving hugs is who I am. However, what also emerged was some of the self-doubt that prevents me from truly living.
Once I completed the exercise and reflected upon it, I had to ask myself, why do I need to wait till I only have 6 months to live to be truly alive? Why wait? God wants me to live…today! …and every day! Why not implement them…now! After all, life is meant to be lived, not slumbered; enjoyed, not tolerated! Only with a balanced relationship with God, others, and self can we truly live a life of happiness and joy…so get busy living!
Tu si môžete pozrieť krátke video, v ktorom Matthew Kelly a Jack Beers hovoria o dnešnej téme.
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Domáca úloha
Vyberte si jedno realistické želanie zo strany 50/51 a snažte sa ho „žiť“ v priebehu nasledujúceho týžňa.