2.máj 2019 Living Soulfully – Žiť oduševnelo
Domáca úloha z minulého týdňa
Uč sa hľadať Boha v každodenných veciach. Napíš si večer 3 situácie z uplynulého dňa, kedy si si uvedomila/uvedomil Božiu prítomnosť.
12: Living Soulfully
One of my earliest memories as a child came when I was about 5 years old. I don’t remember what precipitated the incident, but it’s effects still have repercussions in my life today. I remember running down the basement steps crying and screaming, “Nobody loves me! Nobody loves me!” I hid under the laundry table, in the shadows, sobbing deeply and uncontrollably…hoping someone, anyone would come down, get me, give me a hug, and say “I love you!” Nobody ever came! I not only felt unloved, but unlovable. After all, if my family didn’t love me, how could anyone else? For years, I lived under this delusion; this fear. I shunned all attention; especially when I was successful in sports, academics, or the arts. I feared attention because I didn’t want anyone close…they might discover just how unlovable I truly am. When my girlfriend was killed by a drunk driver my senior year of high school, I knew it was true, even God thought I wasn’t deserving of love.
Looking back, I know that I was and am loved by my family, my friends, and most especially by God. I can see that my psychosis probably had more to do with the birth of my youngest sister who received all the attention I was so used to getting. However, that didn’t change how I felt, nor its effect on my life. It was not until God gave me a glimpse of heaven; one of those “Pentecost” moments that everything changed. Christ said to me, “Through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Twenty years of sin, anxiety, pain, suffering, self-pity, and self-loathing were washed away. I was loved for who I am, and loved unconditionally.
Reflect upon those moments in your life that caused you to say “aha, I get it!” How have they changed you? Do you recognize God’s loving grace working through them? This week, give thanks to God for these experiences and ask for His continued grace and unconditional love. Reach out and share that love with your family and friends this week. Give them a hug (nature’s healing remedy) and let them know you love them. Are you feeling down and unlovable like I did for so long ago? Seek God’s healing grace and power in the Sacrament of Reconciliation where His unconditional love flows freely!
Tu si môžete pozrieť krátke video, v ktorom Matthew Kelly a Ben Skudlarek hovoria o dnešnej téme.
Otázky na zamyslenie (zdielanie)
- Spomínate si na nejaké „AHA…“ momenty vo vašom živote? (AHA – tak teraz tomu konečne rozumiem…)
- Máte pocit, že váš charakter dosiahol maximum ? Cítite, že máte ešte „rezervy“ na vylepšenie svojho charakteru? Chcete sa o tom navzájom podeliť ?
- Začínate nový deň v radostnom očakávaní „Čo mi to zase Boh na dnes pripravil“ ?
- Porovnávate sa s inými? Napríklad: V tomto a v tomto som podstatne lepší ako ten alebo onen.
- Porovnávate sa sám so sebou? Napríklad: V tomto a v tomto som podstatne lepší ako som bol včera (pred mesiacom, rokom).
Domáca úloha
Opýtajte sa, aspoň raz za deň, Napomôže mi to, čo práve teraz robím, stať sa „lepšou verziou seba samého“? Pozdielajte sa, či ste sa, po úprimnej odpovedi, rozhodli robiť niečo iné.